Anwendung für Werbezwecke
10 Besten horror cinema in Deutschland
- Beste Wahl01Edinburgh University Press
Korean Horror Cinema
- 02Signum Books (Imprint of Flashpoint Media Ltd)
American Gothic: Six Decades of Classic Horror Cinema
Horror Cinema
- Bester Wert04TASCHEN
Horror Cinema
- 05University of Hawaii Press
Japanese Horror Cinema
- 06Signum
Euro Gothic: Classics of Continental Horror Cinema
- 07McFarland
Subversive Horror Cinema: Countercultural Messages of Films from Frankenstein to the Present
- 08Dark Horse Books
Untold Horror
- 09Auteur Publishing in partnership with Liverpool University Press
Studying Horror Cinema (Auteur)
- 10McFarland
The Giallo Canvas: Art, Excess and Horror Cinema